アイアン デザイナー

手仕事屋 / アイアン デザイナー

山田 大介 Yamada Daisuke

刃物の町岐阜県関市で生まれ育った山田は、2012年秋に鍛治屋町に移住し「鉄工房 樂」を創業。お客様の“おもい”を“カタチ”にすることを生業とし、積み上げてきた経験や知識に想像力を足して“お客様と共につくり上げる至高のモノづくり”を目指して活動しています。


 スケッチ、挿絵、図面、デザイン画の作成
 お客様のラフスケッチを具体化したデザイン提案が可能。
 イメージをヒアリングした上での企画提案が可能。
 鉄やステンレスの溶接
 曲げ、鍛造、鍛金など手仕事の加工。



Daisuke Yamada
Yamada is a self-taught sculptor and metal artist working primarily with wrought iron.
Born in 1970 in Seki City of Gifu Prefecture, he began working at an early age as a welder and metal worker, gaining experience which inspired and fueled his creative passion.
Yamada opened his studio, Gaku, in 2012 in the Kajiya-cho district of Nagahama City, Shiga Prefecture. His work has been lauded through various awards at major domestic art exhibitions as well as through coverage from TV, newspaper, and other media outlets.
Artist’s Statement
My first encounter with art happened while working at a metal factory and I had to make a store sign featuring a small ornamental flower. Without any instruction or direction, I relied solely on my own imagination to design and create the piece. Having never before felt such uplifting excitement as I did on this project, I realized that I had finally found both my purpose in life and my medium of artistic expression.
This was also the time when I discovered the work of Takato Yamamoto, a contemporary Ukiyo-e artist. I was overcome by his interpretations of the world that transport the viewer to lush dreamscapes of ecstatic poetry and vivid expression. This experience was a deep inspiration in learning to identify and express my artistic curiosity.
Flowers are a central motif of my pieces. The various accompanying and surrounding elements embody forms of varying emotional states. Though the story behind each piece remains open to the interpretation of the viewer.
People think of metal as something cold and hard, but by transforming its shape and texture, metal becomes a living, breathing entity. Through my sculpture, I try to help viewers see this organic side, and share some of the endless stories contained within.



【其のうへ】第62回岐阜県美術展 工芸部 秀作賞受賞
【恋】第93回 二科展 彫刻部 入選
【自由】第35回 日象展 工芸部 東京都知事賞受賞

【鳥篭】第83回 国展 彫刻部 入選
【雅】第63回 岐阜県美術展 工芸部 優秀賞受賞
【木春】第41回 欧美国際公募展 フランス美術展 入選

【兜】第64回 岐阜県美術展 工芸部 入選
【ふるさと】第42回 国展 彫刻部 入選

人生が変わる1分間の深イイ話 アート作品SP第3弾 出演

滋賀県長浜市で「鉄工房 樂」を創業

【椿額装】アートイマジンギャラリー芸術小品展 大賞受賞
月曜から夜更かし VTR出演

【共存共生】第68回長浜市美術展覧会 市展賞受賞
